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Тази страница съдържа обективна и балансирана информация относно продукт на Рош и е предназначена само за медицински специалисти. За да я достъпите, молим да влезете с Вашето потребителско име и парола или да се регистрирате.
Herceptin SC, стандартът на терапия, се прилага само за 2 до 5 минути4-6
Доказана сравнима ефикасност и безопасност спрямо Herceptin IV 5,6,11
Готова за употреба форма за подкожно приложение на Herceptin, която освобождава клинични ресурси3,5
Подкожната форма на медикамента (Herceptin SC), осигурява всички предимства на Herceptin, но приложен в рамките на 2 до 5 минути4-6
- Herceptin SC: по-кратка цялостна ангажираност на медицинския персонал 3-8
- По-малко време за прилагане в сравнение с Herceptin IV4-9
- По-малко време, прекарано в клиниката, от страна на пациентите 3, 7, 8
1. Lesley Fallowfield, Valerie Jenkins, Justine Kilkerr,Carolyn Langridge,Kathryn Monson,Nicole Fitzpatrick, Stuart Osborne, Xavier Pivot et al. Reasons for patients’ preferences for subcutaneous or intravenous trastuzumab in the PrefHer study. Poster presentation at European Cancer Congress 2013 (ECCO-ESMO-ESTRO), 27 September — 1 October 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Abstract P719)
2. News Medical. (2013). Subcutaneous administration of Herceptin preferred by HER2-positive breast cancer patients over IV [Press release]. (http ://www. news-medical. net/news/20 130315/Subcutaneous-adm inistration-of-Herceptin-preferred-by-H ER2-positive-breast-cancerpatients-over-IV.aspx).
3. De Cock, Scm iglazov V, Lopes-Vivanco G, et al. Time savings with trastuzumab subcutaneous vs. intravenous administration: A time and motion study. Poster presented at St Gallen Breast Cancer Conference, Switzerland, 13—16 March 2013 (Poster 209).
4. Pivot X, Semiglazov V, Chen S, et al. Subcutaneous injection 10 of trastuzumab — analysis of administration time and injection site reactions. Poster presentation at the 37th European Society for Medical Oncology conference, Vienna, Austria, 28 September—2 October 2012 (Abstract 272P).
5. Ismael G, Hegg R, Muehlbauer S et al. Subcutaneous versus intravenous administration of trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive, clinical stage I—III breast cancer: phase 3, randomised, open-label, multicentre (neo)adjuvant HannaH study. Lancet Oncol 2012; 13:869-878
6. Jackisch C, Stroyakovskiy D, Muehlbauer S et al. Subcutaneous administration of trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer: Results from the Phase III randomised, open-label, multi-centre (neo)adjuvant HannaH study. Oral presentation at the 8th European Breast Cancer Conference, Vienna, Austria (Abstract iBA). 21—24 March 2012.
7. Erwin De Cock, Ann Knoop, Erik Hugger Jakobsen, Angela Stefania Ribecco,Nik Hauser,Persefoni Kritikou,Douglas Millar,Xavier Pivot et al. Manual injection of subcutaneoustrastuzumab vs intravenous infusion for HER2-positive early breast cancer: a time-and-motion study. Poster presentation at European Cancer Congress 2013 (ECCO-ESMO-ESTRO), 27 September — 1 October 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Abstract P128)
8. КХП Herceptin
9. Perez-Garcia J, Cortes J. A roadmap for accelerated drug approval in breast cancer? (Editorial) Lancet Oncol 2012; 13(9):850—851.
10. Pivot X, Gligorov J, Mьller V, et al. Patient preference for subcutaneous versus intravenous adjuvant trastuzumab: Results of the PrefHer study. Poster presented at St Gallen Breast Cancer Conference, Switzerland, 13—16 March 2013 (Poster 207).\
11. Jackisch C, et al. ESMO 2012; Poster:271P